After studying pure maths at uni I spent almost 20 years investing in convertible bonds. During that time I worked for two large institutions, one start up that became huge and my own start up (which I still work at). I had a front row seat for the global financial crisis, the European debt crisis and various other extreme events. A couple of years ago I decided to update my skillset and learned to code in the evenings. I fell in love with the process of creating things and having the tools to make just about anything you can imagine. In late 2019 I quit investing and started making applications full time for both my company and various side projects.

Some facts about me:

  • I’m married with three children and live in the far north of England. I previously lived in London, Geneva and Sussex.
  • I never went to school much and mainly taught myself from home before going to uni at 16.
  • I love card games and played some forms of poker to a good level.